Uniformed Services

The IT projects implemented for the Ministry of National Defense, the Land Forces Command and the Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) are proof of our experience and trust required for cooperation with the uniformed services sector. We hold valid certificates and qualifications that are required to be a reliable and trustworthy partner in respect of the supply of solutions for high security applications.
We are the only Central and Eastern European company to complete over 30 projects directly for European Union and NATO institutions and agencies. We successfully compete with world leading IT companies. Our high-tech projects were implemented inter alia for the Joint Force Training Center in Bydgoszcz and the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Boarders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX).
- Joint Operations Reporting Application
- ODPRAWA SG system
- Ground Control Systems
- Research Programs
Jora has been successfully implemented and is now used in all Frontex operations allowing online reporting of operational status.
The main goal in building the Jora system was to provide IT support for operational activities in scope of reporting and situational awareness at EU borders (Joint Operation reporting).
Minimizing mistakes caused by manual data collection and processing by:
- using the incident management tools
- using flexible tools to define and manage the reporting standards
Increase capability to monitor the situation at the EU borders by:
- use of online data presentation tool (JORA Dashboard)
Increase the availability of data and analytical capabilities by:
- using advanced access management system
JORA Functionalities
JORA revolutionized the way of incident reporting management by changing manual procedures of collecting, exchanging and analysing information on incidents to a fully automated process.
JORA System provides the following functionalities:
Reporting of incidents |
Administration of the incident management process (workflow) |
Defining incident reporting templates |
Managing the reporting service template process |
Dashboard |
Roles and Access administration |
Asseco has a solid track record delivering complex integrated technology projects for Central and Local Public Administrations, including uniformed services in both developed and developing countries. Asseco has completed for the Nigerian Army, Ministry of Defense, DSS, FRSC and a host of others.
Asseco has many years of experience in designing, creating, and implementing cybersecurity solutions. At the core for all Asseco UAV systems is the proprietary Asseco Ground Control System (AGCS) software, responsible for real-time command and control of reconnaissance missions. Together with securely encrypted datalink, this cutting-edge solution is robust against external sabotage, intentional route change, crash leading activities and other interference. The AGCS is using proprietary communication protocols based on military standards. In order to maximize the mission safety level, the offered datalink solutions incorporate spread-spectrum modulation which makes the transmission between the ground control station and the UAVs practically undetectable. The complete dataflow of proposed solutions is secured with user defined AES-256 encryption key.
General System Description
The proposed low, medium and high-altitude surveillance system is a state-of-the-art solution offering sophisticated live monitoring, event tracking and observation of endangered areas. The system consists of several hardware components – 2 types of platforms equipped with Asseco proprietary software and protections.
The use of this type of system will significantly increase situation awareness and allow better control of areas threatened by terrorists and/or bandits.
In brief, the proposed system consists of :
- High Altitude unmanned surveillance platforms,
- Stationary or Mobile (all-terrain vehicles) Operations Center with GCS
- Remote video terminals
Construction and Implementation of the ODPRAWA SG System for Border Guard Headquarters
Implementation of the ODPRAWA SG System is aimed at supporting execution of the basic, statutory tasks imposed on the Border Guard by the regulations of Polish law and by international agreements. In particular, the System is to assist the process of border and customs clearances handled by the Border Guard. The System is being developed as an integrated, modern tool for data exchange between the Border Guard and other public institutions. ODPRAWA SG is being implemented based on a modern IT platform, which is to ensure reliability and high performance of the system, and provide the foundations for its further development.
ODPRAWA SG is to enable cooperation with the European Union systems - SIS and VIS, as well as to ensure integration of interfaces to the national systems of external entities, including, among others, TERYT (Territorial Database), CEWiUP (Central Registry of Issued and Lost Passports), CEPiK (Central Registry of Vehicles and Drivers), POBYT, PESEL (Universal Electronic Population Registration System) and KSIP (National Police Information System). ODPRAWA SG will replace the existing system supporting border clearance and control, and will allow for integration of the systems used by the Border Guard.
ODPRAWA SG supports execution of the following activities:
- Carrying out border clearances and controls
- Checking, issuance, and cancellation of visas
- Management of ordered activities and collection of data on their execution according to the statutory competences of the Border Guard
- Preparation of reports and statistics on the execution of the above-mentioned tasks
- Management of execution of the above-mentioned tasks, control and internal reporting
- Handling of contextual checks within processes other than border clearance
The system is functioning in the Border Guard Headquarters and its 12 divisions and their outposts throughout Poland. At present, ODPRAWA SG is serving over 3,000 simultaneous users, and is capable of serving the total of 16,000 users.
Complexity of the system
- The system works in the Border Guard Headquarters and 12 branch offices and their branches across Poliand.
- Support for over 3,000 concurrent users.
- The ability to support 16,000 concurrent users.
The Ground Control Station software is mainly designed for the use with multiple types of flight control modules fixed on a wide range of UAV platforms. The GCS uses Mavlink and STANAG 4586 type messages to cover the flow of all the important procedures and parameter between airborne aircraft and ground control segment. According to GCS modular architecture, there is a separate communication module already implemented.
This module is responsible for GCS-UAV communication. Depending on user preferences and autopilot type, the module can be modified easily for any requested communication standard. With this advantage, the end-user receives the GCS software with dedicated communications protocols support which can be updated within a short period of time. Payload capabilities like multisensor observation gimbal control or other dedicated equipment service is also implemented in the same application. Considering this advantage, no additional specialized software is needed for payload management.
Visit https://uas.asseco.ng/ for more information.
Also, check out https://uas.asseco.com/
We participate in research and development programs to create the best technology in the area of security and defense. They include risk analysis and simulation of terrorist threats, strategic defense planning based on the capabilities, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, drawing up plans for crisis management and rescue system design. We actively participate in the development of applications for the space industry. Moreover, together with the national entities (WAT Transbit) we have developed an innovative system that provides secure communication many distributed entities - BSWD. BSWD was created based on the standard SCIP, which using any telecommunications infrastructure providing access to the IP network, implementing secure connectivity for the needs of NATO and allied countries.