Local Administration

Solutions offered by Asseco Poland S.A. in the local government sector, are implemented through the Zakład Usług Informatycznych OTAGO Sp. z o.o. belonging to the Asseco Group. Since January 2016 the company Otago is part of Asseco Data Systems (ADS).
ADS is involved in the creation and implementation of software to support the work of local administration offices. The company is the creator and owner of Integrated Municipal Management System. ADS is focused on servicing local government administration sector at various levels - offices and units as well as budgetary entities subordinate to them.
Local governments
We are up to date with all the legislation changes, both national and local. Company structure and operational methodology have been tailored to the specifics of the administration. Acting only on one market, we give our customers the assurance that all of our resources are used for the development of IT systems and to assist them in their tasks. This allows local governments to function effectively, be more open and fully meet the expectations of their residents.

Confidence and experience
Asseco Data Systems has an excellent team, working in proven technology and using the latest tools. The team is working on an extensive hardware configuration containing machines running Windows Server, Unix and Linux. For analysis, design and programming, we use Oracle9 /10 software packages. We have a proven methodology of production, implementation and maintenance of information systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008, which also meets the standards of information security management in accordance with ISO / IEC 27001: 2005.